We used to list every animal that had been adopted. Happily enough, there are really too many to list now - so we are focusing here on the animals who's new family has been kind enough to provide us with updates and pictures (which we love), to give you a true idea of what happens when you adopt a stray. If you have adopted from ARF and would like to see your success story, we'd love to hear from you!

Meet Danny

Danny is a Boarder Collie - fantastic herders; that's what they were bred to do. Somehow though, Danny wound up a stray, in a Waveland, Mississippi shelter. He was rescued the day after hurricane Katrina by "In Defense of Animals" (IDA), a fantastic rescue organization. Malnourished, depressed and scared, with signs of abuse, IDA did what they could and turned him over to ARF along with many others. If dogs can dream, did Danny ever wonder if he would ever wind up as he has?

That's when Robbie, a rancher and Boarder Collie lover in Wyoming saw his picture. She and ARF arrainged for transport to her cattle and Yak ranch in Wyoming.

Danny is now doing exactly what he was meant to be doing - he's training to be a herding dog in the big sky country, and getting a lot of attention and love in the process.

This update, as recently provided by Robbie:

"Danny’s first day in Wyoming: My husband took him to the ranch with Mackie, his new big brother. They showed Danny yaks, horses and the goat. To my husband's surprise, when Tashi ( a little bitch yak) started being a little aggressive, and creeping up behind them, Danny wasn’t afraid at all! He held his ground, and stared her down till she retreated!"

"Last night was a bit chilly, not at all like the south. So, he wore his new sweater while outside doing his “bidness.” (hence the picture of Danny in the red sweater)."

Enjoy doing what you were meant to, Danny! Happy trails.

1317 Greymont Avenue
Jackson, Mississippi